Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hey Realtors

Attention: Realtors
If each home you list could be sold looking the way a model home does, do you think it might bring in more money or sell in less time? Chances are it would. That's why home staging is a great idea!
Staging is not decorating. Decorating is optional, staging is mandatory in order to sell the house for the most money in the shortest amount of time.
Have great confidence in showing your listings to potential buyers because you know the home is staged and ready to be sold.
It's just not always easy to get a home into selling condition in a timely manner without some sort of experienced assistance. Let the professionals at Heart of The Home help. With the aid of a professional organizer, your listings can make a notable first impression on potential homebuyers, translating into sales for YOU.
To complete minor repairs, de-clutter, and stage a home in order to maximize its appeal to prospective buyers, potentially reducing the amount of time the home is on the market and increasing the selling price, while helping the client prepare for their upcoming move.

SERVICES• Heart of The Home will work with the seller to decide what to keep, donate, sell, or trash in order to declutter the home.
• Heart of The Home will pack, transport, and store items that a seller will be eventually moving to their new home. Removing these items from the current space will create a less cluttered look and feel that will be appreciated by potential buyers. This step will also help considerably in preparation for the upcoming move.
• Heart of The Home will assist with unwanted items that need to be trashed, donated or sold.
Remember: Any time or money invested in decluttering and depersonalizing a home will bring back more money in return, and hopefully a faster sale.
Declutter & Depersonalize
• Your clients are going to be moving shortly anyway so it's in their best interests to go ahead and start getting rid of the things they'll never need again and boxing up the things they can live without for a couple of months.
• Sellers will agree: "Why drag clutter to their new home!" which is costly in the form of time, energy, and money.
• They should clean out about 50% of the things in their closets, most of the knickknacks displayed around the home, and enough furniture to make the rooms look open and inviting.
• Countertops should be clean and uncluttered. Even the cabinets and drawers should contain only a few items, because, as you know, serious buyers will be opening doors and drawers; and they will want to see a lot of space.
• Clients should know how important it is for them to remove most of their family photographs and personal collections. Buyers are trying to envision themselves living in every home they tour and it's very hard for them to do that when faced with the seller's personal items. Every room of the house should have a general appeal for the majority of buyers.


Some Realtors are actually not only promoting the services of Heart of The Home , they are paying for them too!
Ask about the Heart of The Home special 'Realtor Rate'.
Sure, it's money out of your commission but it's money well spent.

Because, who knows better than a Realtor the benefit of an uncluttered home.
And by hiring Heart of The Home directly, you are in control; you identify the goals and direct which tasks take priority.
Your recommendations will be acted upon without risking your business relationship with your client.
You are staging the home but your hands remain CLEAN!
Come to think of it, the home is CLEAN too!

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